Wednesday, December 15, 2010


So Vishal and I were having tea the other day and we decided that it would be cool to have a simple excuse to pick up the camera every day for one week. So we decided to do a "color" week where each day we would take 3 or so photos based on the chosen color of the day and post it on our blog.

If you'd like to join us in this little project, when you post your first red/pink photos on Monday email me with your blog site/flicker page.

I'll keep a running list of participants beneath each color post next week and we'll be able to share our photos. I cant wait to see what everyone comes up with. :)

A couple weeks down the road we may do another one and call it pattern week, or reflection week, or whatever theme we want to play with. We just wanted a task that wouldn't take a lot of time, and that we could share with each other and get inspired by each other. Who knows, after a couple of these themes we might end up with some cool frame able art to give away as gifts or hang in our homes. At a minimum it will be a fun little task giving us an opportunity to learn more about the way we take photos.

Colors for Color week!

Monday - Red/Pink
Tuesday - Orange
Wednesday - Yellow
Thursday - Green
Friday - Blue

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