Wednesday, January 19, 2011


I get pretty excited when my posts go live on my blog and always ask my friends to read them. What they’ve told me lately is that they will open the links I send them and scroll through. They are telling me that they have no idea what I am talking about. I never thought what I blogged about was that advanced, but it’s interesting to get their feedback. I think the growth of blogging has allowed them to get a slight grasp of what I do.

I have had a great time explaining it to my family, however. My sister in particular really makes me laugh. When I am home after office she would always ask me if I had worked today and what I had gotten done. If she approved then she would allow me to watch TV , If my work completion was not up to par then she’d tell me to ‘GET TO WORK‘.


Deepa said...

Correction: It's "blogging". Not "bogging"


@ thanks deepa

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